
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In the beginning

I have started this blog to chronicle my adventures into the world of sewing.

I started sewing about 5 years ago with my first project of a skirt. After that first project I hated sewing. I vowed I would never sew again unless I absolutely had to. Well, about a year later we moved and it surfaced that I had a china doll. I then started making doll clothing. I began actually having fun playing with designing and sewing garments. True, they were only for an 18-inch doll.

Anyhow, after about a year I decided that I really would like to get to meet some like-minded young ladies and get to know some people. So with the help of my mom I started a young ladies literature group. We read and discussed Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and studied the history of the time by sewing Regency dresses.

So that started me into the realm of sewing. I was 16 at the time and decided that sewing wasn't so bad. After that second major project, I have been sewing non-stop ever since.

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